Thursday, April 26, 2007

Episode #10: Our Fascination with Horror

Discussion of Fascination with Horror can be found here.

Show notes:
*Thanks for hanging in there for my extended hiatus-- I'm now living in Los Angeles. It's good to be back in Southern California (home).

MAIN TOPIC: Why are we fascinated with horror?
*Horror from a cultural and psychological standpoint
* Leon Rappoport
*Nightline Article

*Review: ‘Hitcher’ Surprisingly Harrowing By CHRISTY LEMIRE, AP Movie Critic
*7 Deadly Sins of Horror
*Chicago Tribune Article

The song of the night, “Ghostly Feeling” by Beight was provided tonight from

The next episode will cover gothic women writers. Thanks for listening!


jkcarter said...

It is so good to see you back! I had given up on ever seeing a new episode, so I was very happy to see itunes download a new file.
This is one of the few podcasts that have "smart talk" about horror.
Thanks for the fine efforts in the past, I'm off to check out #10

Greg said...

I agree
also, i dont know if you got my email, but i think a cool topic would be horror video games (residnet evil, silent hill....)
